
2023/24 Financial Year

Celebrating a Decade of Success with a Reaffirmed Commitment to Strategy and Execution


An overview of our Reporting Suite for the 2023/24 Financial Year


The integrated report (IR), which features extracts from the annual financial statements, is the Senwes Group’s flagship reporting publication.



The group’s annual financial statements (AFS) provide an in-depth analysis of the group’s financial results and performance.



A web-based sustainability report (SR) provides a summarised overview of the group’s sustainability activities, strategies and ongoing processes.

View Online


The notice of the annual general meeting (AGM) is available to each shareholder.


Financial Highlights

Revenue (R'm)

14 684

2023: R13 642 million


Profit after tax and non-controlling
interest (R'm)


2023: R907 million


Earning before interest
and tax (EBIT) (R'm)

1 648

2023: R1 548 million

Normalised HEPS (c/share)

(2023: 558,1)


Return on opening equity (%)

(2023: 27,4%)


Cash from operations as
percentage of operating profit
(quality of earnings) (%)

(2023: 118,5%)

Dividend yield (%)


2023: 9,4%


Total shareholders' return (dividends + share price growth) (%)


2023: 27,3%


Own capital ratio (excluding commodity finance) (%)


2023: 37,4%


Gearing ratio (%)


2023: 111,6%

More Financial Highlights
2022/23 Financial Results Debrief Video

Here’s what our Chairman and Executive Directors have to say

In this video, Francois Strydom engages with Carl Klingenberg and Danie Minnaar in a debriefing of the financial results achieved by the Senwes Group for the 2022/23 financial year. Carl unpacks the outcomes across various business channels and divisions, while Danie focuses on discussing the macroeconomic conditions and anticipated prospects for the upcoming season.

Chairman and Executive Directors' Reports

Danie Minnaar

Chairman's Report

"In reflecting upon the past financial period, we find ourselves amidst a dynamic landscape characterised by a plethora of local and international challenges, uncertainties and opportunities. It is against this background that it is once again a privilege for me to present this year’s Chairman’s Report."

Danie Minnaar
Senwes Chairman
Francois Strydom

CEO Report

"Purpose defines and gives meaning to you and I as individuals. Such individuals build a collective company culture where purpose, or in business terms, “strategy”, provides our core reason for existence."

Francois Strydom
Senwes Group CEO
Carl Klingenberg

CFO Report

"Senwes Group delivered yet another set of strong and resilient financial results for the financial year ended 30 April 2024, on the back of favourable agricultural conditions during the 2022/23 production season, with a challenging trading environment for the 2023/24 production season caused by summer drought and extremely high temperatures. We are proud to have delivered more value for our stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, governments and society."

Carl Klingenberg
Senwes Group CFO