The company’s daily corporate and management functions are dealt with by the chief executive officer and he is supported by a management team.
The company’s daily corporate and management functions are dealt with by the chief executive officer, supported by a management team. The Senwes Leadership Committee (Exco) is diverse in demographics, skills and experience.
Although the board maintains its independence, it is important for it to have a deep understanding of the business by investigating, monitoring and engaging with management on multiple levels.
Senwes' response to the challenging environment confirms and provides comfort on how well our governance practices are integrated across the group. Working in unison, our board provides group-wide oversight of the governance processes and frameworks while our executive management implements policies and procedures through which governance is applied within the group.
Accordingly, Senwes Limited, as the parent company, was able to exercise appropriate governance oversight over its subsidiaries while maintaining the independence and the legal and governance responsibilities that apply to each subsidiary.
To ensure alignment with corporate governance standards, the office of the group company secretary acts as the advisory, monitoring and information-sharing platform for all subsidiaries within the group.
The monthly abridged management report provides the board with comprehensive feedback on the performance of the business across various disciplines, including operational reviews, financial results, strategic progress, risk management and stakeholder performance.
Besides the executive, various other management committees have been constituted throughout the group and material matters are afforded focused attention. These are the Compliance and Ethics Committee, ALCO (Asset and Liability) Finsteer and Employment Equity Committees.